Today, I’m honored to present my debut spotlight interview with historical romance author Royaline Sing, and her stunning debut, BETTING ON A DUKE’S HEART, which launched in April from Entangled Publishing’s Amara imprint. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, both for its setting—late Victorian England—and its headstrong heroine.

Royaline isn’t afraid to lean into the angst and conflict in this tale, and I especially appreciate that Dina, her main character, is outspoken when her father tries to strong-arm her into an arranged marriage to Aetius White, the titular duke. Even though arranged marriages were common practice culturally and for the era, Dina does not compromise her own agency for the sake of societal and familial expectations. She’s very outspoken, ambitious, and independent, but still believable as a historical heroine. This push-pull dynamic results in some great tension between Dina and Aetius—and a lot of heat! This novel is steamy. Be prepared for some pulse-pounding love scenes.

The Full Synopsis

Miss Dina Campbell wants a soulmate, and hell will freeze over before she'd marry a horse-mad man who loves horses more than a woman. However, with her father aging quickly and her Indian heritage drawing interest in town, she may not get the say in her future that she’d hoped. Those prize horses belonging to her father are drawing attention from suitors, and time may be over for her to find a love match.

When the two are contracted for an arranged marriage, sparks fly. Only way to settle? A game of challenges where winner gets it all. If only their fiery wills stop clashing and sizzling kisses don't get in the way.

And now for our interview:

Paulette: Hi Royaline! Can you tell us a little bit about your debut?

Royaline: My debut, a late Victorian era romance, BETTING ON A DUKE'S HEART was released on 19th April 2021. You will find a dashing duke, a strong heroine, horses, and a bit of Indian Mythology (Mahabharat in this book's case) in it.

Paulette: I really enjoyed the excerpts at the beginning of every chapter. The mythology was a great tie-in to the main narrative. I also love that Dina is an avid equestrienne—my main character in Parting The Veil is as well! Horse girls tend to be confident women and make wonderful historical heroines.

Can you tell us a little bit about what your writing process looks like?

Royaline: I am very much a pantser. I vomit words all over my laptop, my phone notes apps and then like a jigsaw puzzle try to gather them in order later. Research is also out of order. Anytime something strikes my fancy and it feels like can go into the story, then I go down the rabbit hole!

Ah but what fun it is. It's a pity I have to get organized at some point.

Paulette: I can relate to the jigsaw puzzle analogy. That’s very much how I feel when I tackle my second drafts—I love puzzling things out and rearranging things so they make sense and keep the pace clipping along.

What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the writing process?


Royaline: I love to write dialog. So scene writing is my favorite. I hate to insert lots of narratives later into it for obvious reasons. Lots of research resulting in maybe 2 lines.

Paulette: I also love to write dialog! I find that my first drafts are often dialog-heavy, because it’s a faster way for me to tell myself the story.

It’s fun to celebrate your successes as a writer. In what ways have you celebrated reaching your goals?

Royaline: I have gifted myself lots of flower plants which are native to the parts of India where I grew up. You might find pictures of it from time to time on my social media. And food. I ate lots of yummy food, including Biryani.

Paulette: Yum! That sounds wonderful. It’s a huge thing, to finally have your dream come true of becoming a published author, and it should be as big of a celebration as you want it to be! I remind myself of that a lot, especially when things get a little stressful.

What have been the biggest challenges of your debut year?

Royaline: The biggest challenge was that the year was 2021. Need I say more. Jokes aside, it was challenging to focus and be in the game of rolling with release items, not being bummed by reviews, celebrating good news. It was overwhelming, combined with the aftereffects of 2020 as well as keeping personal family and health in perspective.

Paulette: Yes. This has been such a challenging time in many, many ways. Surviving a pandemic while trying to bring a book out…is a lot. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. My established author friends often remind me that writing the next book is the most important thing—even more important than social media marketing—so that’s something I’ve tried to keep in mind! And health first, always.

Any advice for authors heading into their debut year?

Royaline: FIND YOUR SUPPORT GROUP! I can not stress it enough. I have been lucky and I will thank my 2021 debut year group until my dying breath. You debut only once and that anxiety and exhilaration is unmatched. Get through that with a similar minded writing community and you will be set for your debut!

Reach out to other authors if you have questions. Authors are so kind, and their time willing, will always help.

Paulette: I have definitely found that to be true! Thanks so much for talking with me, Royaline! I can’t wait to see what you write next!

You can purchase Betting On a Duke’s Heart wherever books are sold, or from the following vendors:

Amazon , Kobo , Barnes & Noble



Born and brought up in India, I'm a huge fan of Bollywood romantic movies and the music. I also like all things Marvel! I love to travel and so many destinations are on my bucket list. Scotland, London, Agra, you get the picture.

Now, I write through the noise of my lovely two kids, a very supportive (but sweetly clueless) husband and a bank job where numbers rule.

I am currently writing Historical Romances, with heroines setting their own norms and coming to toes with heroes worth loving. You can connect with Royaline on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and on her website


