Graphic by Kj Harrowick

Graphic by Kj Harrowick

Writers are wonderful people. They are supportive, inspiring, and empathetic. When one of us gets a “win” we celebrate together. As I gather my thoughts on Writer In Motion for this final post, it’s the relationships I’ve formed that have the most meaning. Some of those friendships began during RevPit, and grew with our involvement in WiM. I have new CP partners and beta readers to trade manuscripts with, a writer friend who lives in SoCal that I get to hang out with IRL, and a whole bunch of mentors and editor idols to put on a pedestal.

I learned a lot, too. With writing, you’re always learning. And the more you learn, the more you realize just how much you still have to learn. With this project, I discovered that I can write a short story, after all. I honed my voice, gained insights on how to strengthen my writing through critique, and had the honor of being edited by Jeni Chappelle. From Jeni, I learned how to cleanly transition verb tenses during a flashback without writing had a million times, and how to deepen my characterization. And most importantly, I learned that all of us doubt our abilities from time to time. There are days writing is a struggle for everyone.

So, what happens next for my story and Adeline? Nothing, for awhile. I’m knee-deep in revisions with my current WIP and I have another manuscript outlined and waiting in the wings to draft while I’m querying. And then, perhaps I’ll revisit this little story and see if I can make it into something more.

I wish my fellow WiM writers well on your journeys forward, and can’t wait to have a library filled with your books someday. There’s so much talent in our group, and I know you’ll go far.

If you’ll remember, I offered either a manuscript beta read or a query critique to those who commented on my blog, as well as a surprise gift.

I added the names to a random wheel thingy, and the winner is Stephanie Whitaker! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and comment, Steph!


